Songs of the Week 176: August 12 – August 18

Litany#5. Litany – Call On Me

Litany make really endearing music. Call On Me is  just another painfully cute track from a duo that’s really rising in my books for go to pop songs.

drake-elevator#4. Drake – In My Feelings

Does anything really need to be written about this track? I’m a little late to the party, especially with the Kiki crazy, but I gotta give props where they are due – this track is just too catchy to not make the cut.

evalyn#3. Evalyn – Angels

Newcomer (at least to me) Evalyn with a pretty solid indie pop track. Some great lyrics make this both singable and catchy.

inner state 81#2. Inner State 81 – Yung Love

Such a fantastic sample. There’s enough variation in the track to keep the listener engaged as well.

colordrive#1. Colordrive – Ultraviolet

Reminds me a bit of Empire of the State, but without Australian pop diva feel. Seems to be the week of pop, and this has all the pieces to have you humming along after the first or second listen.